Hello Beloved! Yes, I mean you.


Has anyone lately asked you, “How are you doing?” How is your life going? Are you living out your dreams? Are you enjoying every second of your beautiful existence?




Are things not as good as they appear? Is every waking moment a living torment? Do you wonder what in the world could all this heartache, pain, and tragedy be for?


It’s important for us to be honest with ourselves. We can trick everyone around us (I was quite good at that) but we can’t deceive ourselves. Is life fulfilling and exciting? OR is something vital missing?


This website is about finding the answers to life, which if the name is any indication, is Jesus Christ. He loves you so much beloved! In fact, He gave His own life for yours, and He never regrets that decision. 


Now, if you’ve never heard the Gospel before or you have determined Jesus just isn’t your cup of tea, hear me out for just a moment of your time. This could be your turning point or the beginning of a breakthrough in your life.


Jesus Christ thinks the best of you! He loved you before you even existed. He looked forward to the day when He would sacrifice His life to save you from the curse of sin.


Sin? Yes, the sin that Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden, when Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then gave some to Adam. They were tricked by Satan who was disguised as a serpent. This did not surprise God; He already had a plan in motion. He would send His Son to save the human race. It was prophesied in the same dialogue that God had when He was displacing Adam and Eve and cursing Satan.


It took over 4,000 years for Jesus to manifest but that’s only because it took that long for people to believe and speak God’s prophecies. If it could’ve been done any quicker, I’m 100% sure God would have done it.


What makes Jesus Christ unique from all other self-proclaimed, “Saviors?”


Jesus was born from a virgin. This is a requirement for His divinity to be unstained by the sinful blood of mankind. The father of a child determines the blood type, therefore, because Jesus was born from the Holy Spirit’s seed, He had divine, holy, and unblemished blood. Only a sinless sacrifice would appease the curse of death that sin required.


2nd, Jesus Christ was tempted in all ways like us, but He remained sinless. He never sinned even once. Sin was not part of His make up. It didn’t affect His choices. He didn’t allow it to distract Him from His goal of reconnecting mankind to God.


3rd, Jesus died an agonizing and brutal death on the Roman cross. The death called a, ‘crucifixion,’ was notorious for being one of the most vicious tormenting death sentences at the time. Jesus wasn’t the first to experience this type of torture, but there were several aspects about His that made His special. Everyone sentenced to this torture was first beaten and torn apart by  sharp whips called cat-of-nine-tails. This was common. But they did some things different for Jesus, they weaved a crown of thorns (large 4-6 inch thorns) for His head and beat it onto His brow with a hardened stick. After beating Him and tearing Him apart, they forcibly put on Him His purple robe. They mocked, slapped, spat on, and overall berated Him in every way imaginable. After they had their fun, they ripped off the robe and whatever skin or muscle He had left on His back came off with it. Gruesome and terrible I know but He did all this because HE WANTED TO! He wanted to save each and every one of His favorite creations, us. YOU. He carried His own cross to the point where it was staked and then He was nailed with huge 12-inch nails through each wrist and then through both ankles. He bled out completely in about 6 hours. He didn’t have a broken bone despite this beat down. This was also prophesied. Wow. The lengths Jesus Christ went to save each and every one of us is remarkable.


Jesus was buried in a tomb and for 3 days He was dead, but on that 3rd day, He rose from the dead! This was prophesied and was a requirement for Him to be a  living Savior that reigns over death. Over 40 days He appeared to around 500 people. He instilled great hope in His disciples and followers. He told them that He would be coming back for them and all His believers. At the end of that time, He then ascended into Heaven to be mankind’s Mediator between God and man forever.


What sets Jesus Christ apart? It would be His love. His love is defining, powerful, and unconditional. He didn’t have to do those things but HE WANTED TO. He had a choice and HE CHOSE YOU. Satan tried to get Jesus to commit sin but Jesus VALUED YOU MORE. He would not invalidate His life’s mission just for fleeting pleasure. He had a standard to uphold and demonstrate for all of mankind to learn. He showed us true love. He extends it even now for any who will believe His words in their heart. There’s a place for you by His side.


You have a choice. Salvation is not automatic. God wants all to be saved, however, due to our freewill, He will not force us. Salvation requires a willful decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives. I made the choice and have never looked back. The way my life extraordinarily changed is not a fairy tail. It can be your reality.


I’m sure you have a lot of questions. We’re here to help answer those. Feel free to check out any of our resources and/or reach out to us.


Never forget that Jesus Christ loves you so much and that He has prepared a wonderful life for you now and your eternity!